NSM Archive - Aluminium Gallium Arsenide (AlGaAs) - Optical Properties

AlGaAs - Aluminium Gallium Arsenide

Optical properties

Infrared refractive index (300 K)
Refractive index n versus photon energy for three values of x.
Solid lines are calculated.
Dashed lines are experimental data. 300 K.
(Jenkins (1990)).
Refractive index n versus wavelength for different values of x. 300 K.
(Pikhtin and Yas'kov (1980)).
Normal incidence reflectivity versus photon energy. 300 K.
1 x~0.1,
2 x~0.42,
3 x~0.8.
(Aspnes et al. (1986))).
Intrinsic absorption coefficient near the intrinsic absorption edge for different values of x. 300 K.
(Monemar et al. (1976)).
Intrinsic absorption coefficient near the intrinsic absorption edge for different values of x. 4 K.
(Monemar et al. (1976)).
The absorption coefficient versus photon energy. 300 K.
1 x~0.1,
2 x~0.42,
3 x~0.8.
(Aspnes et al. (1986))).
Free exciton binding energy versus Al mole fraction x.
(Pearah et al. (1985)).